Contact: Margaret & Dick Blades - 604-826-8969
This ministry is a joint sharing between All Saints and St. Andrews to enable fellowship between our churches and our fellow parishioners. Covid protocols are observed. Masks are worn while preparing or serving food or moving about the hall, gloves or tongs are used while serving food. All Saints sets up, serves, and cleans up the first Sunday of the month. All other Sundays St Andrews sets up and serves coffee. All Saints does the clean-up. One person shops providing coffee, tea, milk, cream, sugar and juice. The bill and receipts are submitted to All Saints Treasurer for reimbursement. Each team provides a snack and the clean-up team stores leftovers in the fridge or freezer, labelling same with the date. Many thanks to all who have volunteered to help in this very worthwhile and enjoyable time of fellowship, socializing, and fun.
Please we are in need of more Volunteers.