All Saints Services every Sunday Morning at 10 a.m.
Enter at the James Street door unless using the Lift. Wear a mask and keep a 2-meter distance from others. Sit in the designated pews and remain there during the service. Also, when dismissed the back pews will leave first and exit the James Street door unless using the Lift. Please read the following rules for church attendance that you MUST acknowledge and agree to follow in order to attend.
1. Phone or email church to register at 604-826-2814
2. Registration cut off is every Friday at noon
3. Social distance at all times outside and inside the church
4. Facemasks must be worn properly at all times within the church
5. Must be checked in by Greeter at door and sanitize hands
6. Seating must be from front to back in order to keep your distance
7. Absolutely no singing even with a mask on
8. No moving from pew once seated unless leaving the church
9. No physical contact during The Peace but do turn and acknowledge people
10. Communion will be wafers only brought to you in your seat
11. Leave the church immediately after the service starting from the back row
Important Notes
12. The bathroom is open only for emergencies
13. Limit contact with all objects as much as possible