Dear Friends:
As we move into another Autumn Season I want to give you an outline of some of the Services and Events coming up. These plans are, of course, contingent on the direction from the Bishop and the Provincial Health Officer concerning COVID19. If we all get vaccinated and follow the Safety Guidelines I am hopeful that the church will remain open.
St. Andrew’s United Church has started holding Services in the building after a long hiatus.
We are back to our “regular” Service times
Sunday 8am and 9:30am.
The Sunday 9:30am Service is a hybrid In-person/ZOOM Service.
Thursday 10am
Our Bishop has mandated that masks be worn at all times while worshipping and in the Church building.
September 26 St. Michael and All Angels Sunday.
October 3 “Every Child Matters” Orange Shirt Sunday. This Sunday we will stand in solidarity with the First Nations as we remember the children who died at Residential Schools, and recommit ourselves to the work of Truth and Reconciliation. Please wear an orange shirt to the Service – official shirts can be purchased at The Gold Bin and The Friendship Centre in downtown Mission.
October 10 Thanksgiving Sunday. This year we are collecting flowers from our gardens to decorate the Church, and NON-PERISHABLE food items which will be delivered to the MCSS Food Centre. All donations can be brought to the Church on Sundays, or email Polly for items to be picked up. Decorating will take place Sat. Oct. 9. Please give generously as we all have much to be thankful for this year!
November 7 All Saints Sunday. All Saints Day is Nov. 1, but the Church calendar allows the celebration of All Saints to be transferred to the first Sunday in November. This year the first Sunday in Nov. is about as far away from Nov. 1 as it can get. This is our Patronal Festival and we will be holding an “All Saints Ministry Fair” in the Hall after the Service. Please consider signing up for some of the many ministries All Saints Church is involved in. Without your involvement we cannot continue our ministry.
November 14 Remembrance Sunday. Due to the late date of All Saints Sunday our Remembrance Sunday has to be held after Remembrance Day this year (it will also happen again next year).
November 21 Reign of Christ Sunday. We celebrate the last Sunday in the Church Calendar, and look back with thanksgiving that God has been with us through another very unusual and demanding year.
November 28 First Sunday of Advent. The start of a new Church Year!
Christmas Online Bake Sale – We need people to volunteer to bake. Stay tuned for dates to order your goodies and for pickup times at the Church Hall. As we move forward into Autumn pray that God will continue to bless us. If you have any ideas for fundraising or for other events, please let the Wardens and I know.
Paul Bowie+