
Couples wishing to arrange a wedding at All Saints are invited to contact the church office at (604) 826-2814.

Weddings at All Saints follow a Christian liturgy and we do require that either the bride or the groom has been baptized.  We do expect that by having your wedding at All Saints that you have, or desire to develop a commitment to the Anglican Church. 

We need at least 3 months notice for weddings and this is subject to availability of the church, and you will meet at least twice with the priest and attend marriage preparation.  We also have a hall and kitchen available that can be booked for receptions. 

Ask about an authorized liturgy for the marriage of same-sex couples within the Diocese of New Westminster.



If you are interested in baptism for yourself or your child, please contact the church office. 604-826-2814

Baptism signifies membership in the church and takes place during our 10 am Sunday service.  There will be baptismal preparation offered for baptismal candidates and/or their parents. 



Please call the church office (604-826-2814) if you need to arrange a funeral or memorial service for your loved one.  Emergency contact numbers are recorded on the voice mail message. 

The priest will meet with you and your family to plan the service with you. 


Hall Rental

Please call the church office 604-826-2814 for information and bookings.